Since I wrote last I have returned to work, thus my excuse for the lack of writing. Being a single working mom is so very very time consuming. I'm amazed at the single moms I know and all the work they do to stay on top of things. Here it is December and I'm gradually beginning to take control over the chaos. With all the classes I took in college, you would think I could use that knowledge to be super mom - eh, not so much. Mondays and Tuesdays I feel like I have everything under control, and then Wedensday comes around with early morning faculty meetings and I unravel. I'm exhausted by Thursday, and Friday I crash and burn. Over the weekend I'm able to rejuvinate and then the roller coaster called my life begins again.
For the Holidays that Have Past...
For Halloween, Anna was a ducky. She was the most adorable little ducky. Her dad came down and spent time with her and we took her trick-or-treating to her grandma and grandpa Paxman's house, and to aunt Megan's house.

For Thanksgiving, it was quiet and simple for us. We stayed in St. George and spent time with my parents and sisters. Anna actually slept through the dinner, so the holiday was uneventful.
Christmas was more fun for me than Anna. I was excited for Anna's first Christmas and went a little over-board on her gifts. Anna's daddy came down for Christmas and they had fun with each other.
As you may have guessed Anna's New Year was quiet (what can you do if your only 8 months old?) We both went to bed early.
Anna's Achievements...
Anna can roll over from her back to tummy and from her tummy to her back. She can sit on her own and sometimes she attempts to do an inch-worm movement to get somewhere, but she usually ends up scooting away from her destination rather than toward it.
Anna is cutting teeth, and she has two in now. She looks like a little pumpkin head when she smiles. She also mimics others' actions more and says 'mamamamamama' and 'bababababa' which sometimes turns into a robust shout of "BOB". I joke about how she keeps talking about some guy named Bob.
Family and friends are beginning to call Anna a momma's girl, but I don't mind. I love how she gets excited to see me, and she reaches out toward me when she wants me to hold her. She has become ticklish, and like her mom, she works hard to hide it and hold in her giggles, so its become a fun game for us to to battle with giggles versus tickles. Most of the time I win.
Whenever anyone is eating, she wants to be on that person's lap and expects them to share their food. She can be completely full from eating her baby food and drinking her bottle, but she will still beg for a taste.
My winter break has been wonderful. I'm ready to go back to work because I miss my students, but I dread leaving Anna during the day. It would be so wonderful to be a stay at home mom full time. I'm greatful for my mom and all she does to help me raise Anna and I know Anna is in good hands while I'm at work.
I will try to keep up on this blog a little better, so I can have fresh Anna stories to share.